Nicovalei nr.33, Brașov 500473, Romania sales@forestdesign.ro

Blue Flower


Profitability and sustainability of forestry depend on accurate resource information. Many times large areas of forests are cut only for few valuable trees. These trees are unknown in the present way of how forest management data is organized today. We call them pearls and finding and extracting them in a non-invasive way can reduce human interventions in natural habitats

The field of forest inventory is on the doorstep of revolution. Laser-based technologies allow gathering field data non-destructively, more precisely and faster than ever.


Our team has been working together to optimize forest inventory using terrestrial laser scanners. With more than 15 years in forest inventory 


This is our vision on stand volume and biomass assessments:


A single scan produces millions of points in a 3D space in a matter of seconds


Single scans are automatically combined to reconstruct large areas of forests yielding billion of points per hectare


Our solution extracts trees from point clouds, converts data into information and it is only a click distance.