From the very beginning, we want to remind you a quotation which is found in the NT5-2000 technical regulation on forest management, page 21.
"As a result digitalization of the topographical maps and mapping, specific elements of the forest management from the existing classical to digital form (which offers the possibility of automatic processing), the GIS database will be created and used in further development. These starting points will be achieved through the logical connection of digital mapping with the existing site and forest vegetation digital characterization elements (AS program).
GIS databases will make it possible to a quickly and efficiently exploitation of specific information, both from the forestry cadastre point of view and forest management in general. Among other applications, these databases will automatically enable thematic mapping of the layout"
Apart from the possibilities described above, we would like to highlight the following points which are a part of our culture:
- It allows us in the preparatory phase to evaluate the actions for good cartography during the fieldwork stage
- In the pre-analysis phase of the technical solutions, we can argue the presence of abiotic or biotic destabilizing factors (concentrated wind and snowfalls, inconsistencies of existing data with either the previous forest maps or base plans, etc.)
- We will easily validate the existence of other land-use planning regulations included in the plans and projects of other entities (gas and/or electric power lines, motorways and national roads, etc.);
- We will easily identify those areas used as ecological corridors by species and other elements of biodiversity, as well as specific existing regulations within the protected national areas;
- The data included in the forest management become extremely useful information in the decision-making process at the level of the forest manager;
- It allows us to carry out complex analyzes in the current climate context (EX: Variation of temperatures and/or precipitation at sub-plot level, parcel, production unit, forest unit);
- Allows us to take records of electronic spatial referenced management, which will help to a better and more predictable establishment of the production process every year;
- We could easily integrate a range of information obtained through several remote sensing procedures: med-high-resolution satellite imagery, drone aerial imagery (UAV), numeric terrain or terrain modeling, etc .;
- To avoid what is called in practice: "Paper supports anything!"
- We easily validate possible virtual overlapping with other neighboring landholders (property belonging to natural and legal persons, territorial administrative units, etc., - meadows, pastures);