Nicovalei nr.33, Brașov 500473, Romania sales@forestdesign.ro

Blue Flower

From the very beginning, we want to remind you a quotation which is found in the NT5-2000 technical regulation on forest management, page 21.

"As a result digitalization of the topographical maps and mapping, specific elements of the forest management from the existing classical to digital form (which offers the possibility of automatic processing), the GIS database will be created and used in further development. These starting points will be achieved through the logical connection of digital mapping with the existing site and forest vegetation digital characterization elements (AS program).

Profitability and sustainability of forestry depend on accurate resource information. Many times large areas of forests are cut only for few valuable trees. These trees are unknown in the present way of how forest management data is organized today. We call them pearls and finding and extracting them in a non-invasive way can reduce human interventions in natural habitats

The field of forest inventory is on the doorstep of revolution. Laser-based technologies allow gathering field data non-destructively, more precisely and faster than ever.

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Hectare Paduri Amenajate
Hectare Imagini aeriene
Proiecte de Biodiversitate
Registre Spatii Verzi